What It’s Like Living in the Coldest Town on Earth | WIRED

In 1933, the village of Oymyakon, Russia recorded the lowest temperature on earth for any permanently inhabited location at a chilling – 90°F (- 67°C). Though temperatures of that record are rare, Oymyakon regularly averages – 30°F and is considered the one of coldest places on earth. Not many people would find this isolated tundra appealing, but New Zealand native Amos Chapple just couldn’t resist.


What It's Like Living in the Coldest Town on Earth | WIRED

In 1933, the village of Oymyakon, Russia recorded the lowest temperature on earth for any permanently inhabited location at a chilling – 90°F (- 67°C). Though temperatures of that record are rare, Oymyakon regularly averages – 30°F and is considered the one of coldest places on earth. Not many people would find this isolated tundra appealing, but New Zealand native Amos Chapple just couldn’t resist.