The Genetic Ancestry of African Americans, Latinos, and European Americans across the United States: The American Journal of Human Genetics

Permitted. For non-commercial purposes: Read, print & download; Redistribute or republish the final article. Not Permitted. Text & data mine; Translate the article; Reuse portions or extracts from the article in other works (except for the author); Sell or re-use for commercial purposes …


The Genetic Ancestry of African Americans, Latinos, and European Americans across the United States: The American Journal of Human Genetics

Permitted. For non-commercial purposes: Read, print & download; Redistribute or republish the final article. Not Permitted. Text & data mine; Translate the article; Reuse portions or extracts from the article in other works (except for the author); Sell or re-use for commercial purposes …


This is amazing! NHS England has today named the Genomic Medical Centres (GMCs) that will be leading…

This is amazing!

NHS England has today named the Genomic Medical Centres (GMCs) that will be leading the project, the majority of which will be looking for for a mixture of cancer- and rare disease-related genomic information. Recruitment will begin on 2 February, 2015 and will include a cross-section of patients from across England, including some suffering with life-threatening and debilitating diseases.

Eleven centres across the UK will soon start recruiting patients to have their DNA collected and decoded as part of the 100,000 Genomes Project


This is amazing! NHS England has today named the Genomic Medical Centres (GMCs) that will be leading…

This is amazing!

NHS England has today named the Genomic Medical Centres (GMCs) that will be leading the project, the majority of which will be looking for for a mixture of cancer- and rare disease-related genomic information. Recruitment will begin on 2 February, 2015 and will include a cross-section of patients from across England, including some suffering with life-threatening and debilitating diseases.

Eleven centres across the UK will soon start recruiting patients to have their DNA collected and decoded as part of the 100,000 Genomes Project


“Coming up with a new idea or solving a problem often requires that we think outside the box, so to …

“Coming up with a new idea or solving a problem often requires that we think outside the box, so to speak, and forgetting previous information allows us to do that,” says Storm. “By helping us to reduce the accessibility of old information, saving may facilitate our ability to think of new ideas and solve difficult problems.”

(Credit: iStock) The simple act of saving something, such as a file on a computer, may improve our memory for the information we encounter next, according


“Coming up with a new idea or solving a problem often requires that we think outside the box, so to …

“Coming up with a new idea or solving a problem often requires that we think outside the box, so to speak, and forgetting previous information allows us to do that,” says Storm. “By helping us to reduce the accessibility of old information, saving may facilitate our ability to think of new ideas and solve difficult problems.”

(Credit: iStock) The simple act of saving something, such as a file on a computer, may improve our memory for the information we encounter next, according


Incremental Plans to Improve Python Packaging — Nick Coghlan’s Python Notes 1.0 documentation

Note. This essay is not the most recent source of packaging information. It is retained as a potentially interesting recording of my thinking when I first volunteered to be the BDFL-Delegate for packaging related PEPs :). For more recent information, refer to the Python Packaging Authority’s …


Incremental Plans to Improve Python Packaging — Nick Coghlan's Python Notes 1.0 documentation

Note. This essay is not the most recent source of packaging information. It is retained as a potentially interesting recording of my thinking when I first volunteered to be the BDFL-Delegate for packaging related PEPs :). For more recent information, refer to the Python Packaging Authority’s …


Python Packaging User Guide — Python Packaging User Guide documentation

The “Python Packaging User Guide” (PyPUG) aims to be the authoritative resource on how to package, publish and install Python distributions using current tools. To follow the development of Python packaging, see the site for the Python Packaging Authority. This guide is maintained on github.