Installing Abntex2 in Ubuntu 12.04

#edit file sources.list
deb testing main
deb-src testing main
wget -O -|sudo apt-key add -

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:texlive-backports/ppa && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install texlive
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install abntex2

Kiss of Fire – Hugh Laurie

Con este tango que es burlón y compadrito
Se ató dos alas la ambición de mi suburbio
Con este tango nació el tango como un grito
Salió del sórdido barrial buscando el cielo.
Conjuro extraño de un amor hecho cadencia
que abrió caminos sin más ley que su esperanza
mezcla de rabia, de dolor, de fe, de ausencia,
llorando en la inocencia de una ritmo juguetón.

Por tu milagro de notas agoreras,
nacieron sin pensarlo las paicas y las grelas,
luna en los charcos, canyengue en las caderas
y un ansia fiera en la manera de querer…

I touch your lips and all at once the sparks go flying
Those devil lips that know so well the art of lying
And though I see the danger, still the flame grows higher
I know I must surrender to your kiss of fire

Just like a torch, you set the soul within me burning
I must go on, I’m on this road of no returning
And though it burns me and it turns me into ashes
My whole world crashes without your kiss of fire

Por tu milagro de notas agoreras,
nacieron sin pensarlo las paicas y las grelas,
luna en los charcos, canyengue en las caderas
y un ansia fiera en la manera de querer…

I can’t resist you, what good is there in trying?
What good is there denying you’re all that I desire?
Since first I kissed you my heart was yours completely
If I’m a slave, then it’s a slave I want to be
Don’t pity me, don’t pity me

Give me your lips, the lips you only let me borrow
Love me tonight and let the devil take tomorrow
I know that I must have your kiss although it dooms me
Though it consumes me, the kiss of fire


Link para download:


Pills of Science – 1 Week

source: PHD Comics

So you want to do a PhD?

Academic writing: why no ‘me’ in PhD?

Obscure C++ Features

bioinformatics cores: how to maintain confidentiality of data

GCAT Benchmarking Tool

The next five years of computational genomics at NHGRI

Using the SVD to find the needle in the haystack

A Setback for Open Science?

The future of healthcare debated and demonstrated, #TEDMED


sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nvbn-rm/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install everpad

Papers of the week

Whole Genome Sequencing: A Considered Approach to Clinical Implementation.

Clinical Analysis and Interpretation of Cancer Genome Data.

Are Results of Targeted Gene Sequencing Ready to Be Used for Clinical Decision Making for Patients with Acute Myelogenous Leukemia?

Targeted exome sequencing of suspected mitochondrial disorders. 

New approaches to molecular diagnosis.

Targeted Next-Generation Sequencing can Replace Sanger Sequencing in Clinical Diagnostics.

Practices and Policies of Clinical Exome Sequencing Providers: Analysis and Implications.

FishingCNV: a graphical software package for detecting rare copy number variations in exome sequencing data.

Low concordance of multiple variant-calling pipelines: practical implications for exome and genome sequencing.