Let your kids lose: Success inhibits preschoolers’ ability to establish selective trust

When children are falsely successful at games and other challenges, it can lead them to ignore important information in and about the world around them, according to a new study.


•We investigated how success affects preschoolers’ selective trust.
•Children play a rigged finding game: some are always successful, some are not.
•Always successful children did not prefer helpful informants over unhelpful ones.
•Always successful children did not identify helpful informants as being helpful.
•Successful children develop illusory control and ignore informant differences.


A number of studies have shown that preschoolers make inferences about potential informants based on the informants’ past behavior, selectively trusting an informant who has been helpful in the past, for example, over one who has been unhelpful. Here we used a hiding game to show that 4- and 5-year-olds’ selective trust can also be influenced by inferences they make about their own abilities. Children do not prefer a previously helpful informant over a previously unhelpful one when informant helpfulness is decoupled from children’s success in finding hidden objects (Studies 1 and 3). Indeed, children do not seem to track informant helpfulness when their success at finding hidden objects has never depended on it (Study 2). A single failure to find a hidden object when offered information by the unhelpful informant can, however, lead them to selectively trust the previously helpful one later (Study 4). Children’s selective trust is based not only on differences between informants but also on their sense of illusory control—their inferences about whether they need assistance from those informants in the first place.


  • Selective trust;
  • Illusory control;
  • Success;
  • Help-seeking;
  • Helpfulness;
  • Luck


Source: ScienceDaily



The Biostar Handbook, a bioinformatics e-book has been launched

Announced almost 18 months ago, the Biostar Handbook has now been published. It delivers simple, concise, and relevant information for those looking to understand the field of bioinformatics as a data science.

enter image description here

It is a comprehensive, practical handbook that aims to cover (though it is not quite there yet) all major application areas of bioinformatics.

Special thanks go to Biostar users genomax2 , shenwei356 and Jeremy Leipzig who have contributed entire pages or sections to the book.

Only now that the book released – as I am looking at 713 pages of do I start to realize just how big Bioinformatics has gotten in the past few years. And we’re still missing entire subdomains of it: Metagenomics, Assembly, ChIP-Seq. But fear not we’ll handle those too in this coming year.

Spread the word, let others know – I think there is no other resource like it. I like to call it data analysis with attitude, where reproducibility means not following letter by letter, but doing it better, faster and simpler.

Let me invite anyone that wishes to contribute to do so. It is easy, and simple, Markdown based publishing. And there is so much more that could be done and will be done. Be a part of it! We are independent, self published, self supported. Chart your own course, bring your own ideas and goals to fruition or just enjoy being a part of a creative process.

Source: The Biostar Handbook, a bioinformatics e-book has been launched


htop explained

For the longest time I did not know what everything meant in htop.

I knew that load average 1.0 on my two core machine means that the CPU usage is at 50%. But why does it say 1.0?

I decided to look everything up and document it here.

They also say that the best way to learn something is to try to teach it.

Table of Contents
htop on Ubuntu Server 16.04 x64

Here is a screenshot of htop that I am going to describe.

Screenshot of htop


Uptime shows how long the system has been running.

You can see the same information by running uptime:

$ uptime
 12:17:58 up 111 days, 31 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05

How does the uptime program know that?

It reads the information from the file /proc/uptime.

9592411.58 9566042.33

The first number is the total number of seconds the system has been up. The second number is how much of that time the machine has spent idle, in seconds

Source: htop explained