4 ways to get motivated when you don’t feel like…

Every week I write up to three new articles like this one. And every week I struggle to find the motivation to get started on each article. On Sunday night I make my to do list for the week ahead, and think about how quickly I’ll get to work on this week’s articles. But by Monday morning I’m struggling to get started.

The worst thing is that this happens to me a lot. It’s led me to do embarrassing things, like googling “How to get motivated”, or browsing the GetMotivated subreddit.

Which, of course, are just time-wasters that leave me even less time to get my work done. The work I still haven’t started.

So it’s time to figure out how motivation really works, and how to reliably get more of it.

Source: 4 ways to get motivated when you don’t feel like…


Pynnotator 0.1.4 released!

Today I published my first python library on pypi! \o/


Pynnotator is the best human genome and exome annotator of the whole galaxy!

Would you mind helping me test it ?

You will need Ubuntu and at least 60GB of disk space.

mkvirtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 pynnotator
pip install cython
pip install pynnotator
pynnotator install
pynnotator test

Source code is available here:


Hope you enjoy!