Genome Biology | Abstract | Churchill: an ultra-fast, deterministic, highly scalable and balanced parallelization strategy for the discovery of human genetic variation in clinical and population-scale genomics

While advances in genome sequencing technology make population-scale genomics a possibility, current approaches for analysis of this data rely upon parallelization strategies that have limited scalability, complex implementation and lack reproducibility. Churchill, a balanced regional parallelization strategy, overcomes these challenges, fully automating the multiple steps required to go from raw sequencing reads to variant discovery. Through imp…


2 London, Ont., patients with Ebola-like symptoms from Kitchener-Waterloo

The London Health Sciences Centre says two patients had been admitted to the southwestern Ontario city’s Victoria Hospital with Ebola-like symptoms. London’s medical officer of health notes the two are ‘very low risk’ of having the disease, which is plaguing West Africa and hasn’t been confirmed in Canada.



The most important story of 2014 that most people ignored was the Chinese economy overtaking the US economy.  (This is using the purchasing power parity metric, which incorporates differences in…